Account Settings here you can update your information & account details

Your Login Details

Passwords should be atleast 6 characters in length, with atleast 1 capital letter, a number, and a special character (ie @ !).
Password Strength:
Confirm Password:
Generate Password:
We can make a password for you, this is recommended as easier passwords could mean unauthorised access.


Your Contact Details

This is for contacting you and billing, and used for standing orders / invoices. We (KBS) use this information not your customers.

Your Address Details

This is for contacting you and billing, and used for standing orders / invoices. We (KBS) use this information not your customers.
Address Line 1:
Town / City:
Post Code:

Text Messages

Text messages are a new feature we are currently offering. After you have purchased credits, a text message is sent to every booking that you receive (Bookings via the system - You can choose to send one or not), text messages are only sent to valid UK mobile telephone numbers (11 digits, starting with 07).

Text Message Preview: Thank you for your booking with *Website Name*. Please check your inbox or junk folder for your confirmation email. Thank you.

The above is sent to the customer automatically, *Website Name* is replaced with your company name.

Text Message Allowance:

Purchase Text Messages

Purchasing text messages is easy! Select one of our packages below, make the payment via PayPal and your allowance will be updated within 24 hours!

Select Package:
£0 + VAT
Check out with PayPal
Buy now with PayPal

Below are your existing websites and its individual settings, these settings do not include booking or product settings please goto the relevant pages for more details. You can also add additional websites, that will use a single system login - additional websites has additional costs please contact us for more details.

Manage Websites

ID Website Name Reference URL Phone Social Media Status Actions

These are your personal preferances on the system.

Display Name:
System Currency:
Enable Google Calendar:

Status: Not Connected
Theme Colour: